Find a Nanny Tips

Read these 24 Find a Nanny Tips tips to make your life smarter, better, faster and wiser. Each tip is approved by our Editors and created by expert writers so great we call them Gurus. LifeTips is the place to go when you need to know about Nanny tips and hundreds of other topics.

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What is a Nanny Agency?

Nannies4Hire Tip: In many cases, nanny agencies also employ counselors to ensure a smooth transition for both the nanny and the employing family. Families searching for a nanny can use a nanny agency to help them in their search.

How do I find the right nanny for my family?

Finding the Right Nanny for Your Family

You can find the best nanny in the world in terms of qualifications, experience, and even education, but if she doesn't have a good relationship with you and your children, she won't be the right nanny for you. So, how do you go about finding a nanny that will fit into your family? Consider the following points:

  1. Your nanny should be willing to answer any questions that you might have pertaining to her experiences, her education, her training, and her philosophy on childcare.
  2. Your nanny should meet and even exceed your expectations pertaining to the job duties you've determined to be beneficial for your family.
  3. Your nanny should follow the specific guidelines you've set concerning your child's daily schedule and any behavior issues that might arise.
  4. Your nanny should understand that any and all misunderstandings or problems within your household should be brought to your immediate attention.
Finding a nanny doesn't have to be difficult if you are clear about your expectations and willing to open your home to someone who will become like a member of your family.

What are some positive characteristics of a good nanny agency?

Positive Characteristics of a Nanny Agency

When you begin a nanny search on-line, you may be surprised at the amount of nanny agencies available. With so many agencies, how do you know which one to choose? A good nanny agency should offer the following characteristics to help you in your search for the perfect nanny for your family.

  1. A nanny agency's employee list should be current.
  2. Potential employers should be allowed access to the full list of nannies available.
  3. Those who are attempting to find a nanny, should be able to access bios and profiles.
  4. Comprehensive background checks should be made available.
  5. Registration for the nanny agency's Website should be easy to use.
  6. The nanny agency should clarify any and all fees pertaining to the use of a nanny registry.
  7. The nanny agency should offer clear instructions for contact between the nanny and each family.

How do I advertise for a nanny?

Advertising for a Nanny

Whether you are trying to find a nanny or find a babysitter, the wise move it to do a combination of print ads, web searching, agency calling and even spreading the word. First task is to identify your personal requirements. Determine how many hours you need the childcare, and how much you can pay for his or her services. In your ad, emphasize that experience is a must. Don't hire a nanny or babysitter just because your tired of interviewing. If you don't find the right fit, keep advertising and interviewing. Your children deserve to have childcare that you are satisfied with.

What is a nanny agency?

What is a Nanny Agency?

A nanny agency works much like an employment agency. A nanny agency typically screens potential nannies, checking their backgrounds and experience before they sign them up. Once they've signed a nanny up with their company, a nanny agency matches families with nannies.

Is being a nanny just for women?

Male Nannies

When you hire a nanny or decide to find a babysitter, you may want to consider hiring a male nanny if you have all boys. The male nanny provides all of the normal nanny services, plus they are able to play sports with your children. The number of men applying as nannies has risen as our society accepts men as being childcare providers. Most male nannies are 20ish, care for older boys and are experienced as camp counselors, day care workers or teacher's aides. Male nannies are worth your consideration if you have boys between the ages of 7 and 14.

Can I run a check on a my nanny?

Investigating Your Nanny

Concerns can arise after you find a babysitter or hire a nanny. It's clear that the stakes are pretty high when selecting a childcare provider. If you a hiring a nanny from an agency, the agency will have conducted extensive background checks and criminal records checks on the nanny candidate. If you are hiring a nanny without an agency though, you are on your own. Many investigative agencies are now offering servics to ease parents minds. They can check for suspended drivers licenses, bad credit (increases chance of theft) and fake references. When you are ready to end your nanny search, calling a detective agency can offer a measure of security and peace of mind.

How do we reduce the risks in hiring a nanny?

Reducing Risks in Nanny Hiring

If you hire a nanny through an agency, ads or even word of mouth, there are still risks involved. Work experience is not everything when it comes time to find a babysitter. You can get to know if a candidate is a good fit by asking them their childcare philosophy. Ask them also about their opinion on discipline and handling emergencies. The best way of reducing risk while you find a nanny is conducting a trial run of a few days. That way you can determine if the nanny is a good fit for your family.

What type of questions should be asked when finding a nanny?

Interview Questions for Finding a Nanny

Parents should spend time finding a nanny that will fit into their lives and the lives of their children. A nanny will be one of the primary caregivers in a child's life, so finding the best nanny for the job is very important. Before you begin the process of finding a nanny, take some time to write down a few important interview questions. You can use these questions for each of the nannies you meet before making your decision.

  1. Why do you want to be a nanny?
  2. What is your experience in taking care of children?
  3. Why did you leave your last job?
  4. What is your philosophy on discipline?
  5. What type of emergency medical training do you have?
  6. What are your favorite hobbies?
  7. What is the best part of working with and taking care of children?
  8. What do you see yourself doing in the next ten years?
  9. Name one of your strengths and one of your weaknesses.

With all the web agencies how do I choose the best on for me?

Web Nanny Agencies

Sifting through the web in order to find a nanny or find a babysitter? Check on these items. How long has the agency been in business? Do they list experienced nannies? Is someone always available to answer questions? Dig deep and ask lots of questions. Choosing an agency on the internet can be mind boggling when attempting to hire a nanny. But with a little investigation, you can find the right agency and therefore, the right nanny.

What questions should I use when finding a nanny?

Questions To Use When Finding a Nanny

Before you begin the process of finding a nanny, you should make a list of questions that you want answered. These questions can be used whether you do an independent search or use a nanny agency to help you find a nanny.

  1. Do you want a live-in or live-out nanny?
  2. How often will your nanny need to work? Break this down by days and hours per week.
  3. What services will your nanny be expected to provide? Will she also be required to do housework, or will her primary duties only involve taking care of your children?
  4. How much money are you willing to pay for a nanny? You'll need to decide how much you can afford based on the amount of work the nanny will be expected to perform.
  5. What is the going rate for live-in or live-out nannies in the area? You should be prepared to pay around the same amount that other nannies are paid.
  6. What qualifications should the nanny have? Do you value formal training over experience?

How do I find nannies on the Internet?

How To Find Nannies on the Internet

One of the easiest ways to find nannies is to use the Internet. Often parents are somewhat leery of using the Internet to search for child care. There are benefits in finding nannies on the Internet however, including the following:

  1. Screening process-If you are using the Internet to find nannies, you'll probably contact a nanny agency. This agency will have an on-line screening data base to help you narrow the choices for a nanny.
  2. Plug in information-You can quickly plug in all of the information required as you begin the process of finding nannies in your area.
  3. Background checks-Reputable Internet agencies will have already conducted background checks on potential nannies before they sign those nannies on.
  4. State requirements-On-line nanny agencies should have already met federal or state requirements. Be sure you check the qualifications of an agency before you use them to find nannies in your area.

How do I find a nanny?

How To Find a Nanny

Many parents would like to engage the services of a nanny, but they become intimidated simply because they don't know how to find a nanny. Obviously, you'll want a nanny who is trustworthy, qualified, and experienced. How do you go about finding this person? The following tips will help you in your search to find a perfect nanny.

  1. Word of mouth-Let your friends and family know that you are trying to find a nanny. They may know someone to recommend. However, be sure you check other references as well.
  2. Local classifieds-Your local newspaper's classified section should have a list of nannies who are looking for employment. Again, it is very important the you verify any references. Just because a nanny advertises in the paper, doesn't mean that she is qualified to take care of your children.
  3. Place your own ad-You may also be able to find a nanny by placing your own ad. Use caution if you do this. You don't know who will be applying to your ad!
  4. Use the Internet-The Internet will give you a broad database of nannies to choose from. Make sure the company you use is reputable.
  5. Find an agency-Finally, a good way to find a nanny is to use an agency. You may have agencies in your area, or you can use the Internet to search for an agency.

Aren't nannies trained the way they used to be?

It Takes a Nanny to Know a Nanny

Smokers who finally kick the habit are probably more critical of their still-smoking friends than anyone else. It's the same with former nannies. If you spent years working as a nanny and then moved on to marriage and a family of your own, you're probably hyper-critical of everything your new nanny does. Think about how many times you've thought to yourself (or said out loud), “In my day…” or “When I was a nanny…” At some point in your life, you probably promised yourself you'd never sound like that. Well, guess what? You do!

Like anything, it's important to remember that things change and evolve over time. Maybe wearing jeans with holes in the knees was a definite no-no when you were a nanny. Now, not so much of a big deal. Hey, nurses used to have to wear starched whites and a nursing cap, but not anymore. Finding a nanny that the kids are happy with and who blends into the family unit comfortably isn't always an easy task. So, try to give your nanny a little bit of slack. The important thing is that she's qualified, has up-to-date first aid and CPR training, and watches your kids.

When it's all said and done, you have to ask yourself what matters more, the fact that your nanny put some pink and blue streaks in her hair, or that she really connects with the kids and does a great job?

Is it possible to hire university or college students to work as a nanny in my home?

Finding a Nanny at the Local University

If you happen to live next to a college or university that offers a degree or diploma in childhood studies, you're in luck! Finding a nanny could be as easy as letting faculty know you have a job opening (they'll pass the information to their best students), or post a “Nanny Wanted” sign on the school's bulletin board.

Hiring a university student is especially good if you only need a nanny for the summer months. Naturally, the student will be returning to school in the fall. By hiring an Early Childhood student, you'll be giving them invaluable work experience. Instead of just discussing case studies, the student will have an opportunity to interact with children in the real world. It's possible that the work experience you offer these students can be used to satisfy any internship required for graduation. If anything, you'll be giving a university student a chance to earn some cold, hard, cash. That's something every university student can use.

So, if you're thinking about finding a nanny to work in your home for the summer months, don't underestimate the skills and motivation of university students. Call the school and ask the registrar to let faculty know you need a nanny

Could I start my own nanny finder business?

Becoming a Nanny Finder

If you've had experience working with nannies over the years, you've probably got a wealth of knowledge to share. Other families in the process of finding a nanny may come to you for advice on how to find a nanny. Maybe you even were a nanny for a while. If you've got that kind of experience and know-how when it comes to the business of hiring and/or working as a nanny, now might be the time to consider starting your own nanny finder business.

As a nanny finder, you could be the middle person, the one who matches families and nannies. Being a nanny finder is a work-from-home venture that could be a life-saver for families on a nanny search!

If you do decide to try opening a nanny search business, do a little bit of homework first. Remember, it is a business and that means you'll need to keep track of income, expenses, taxes, etc. Check out the U.S. business laws for your particular state to find out what you need to do to start your own business. You'll probably need a little bit of start-up money for advertising, a computer, printer, software, business license, and money for advertising.

With all of the experience and behind-the-scenes knowledge of the nanny business, your entrepreneurial venture should be a success.

How do I fire my nanny?

Nanny Break Ups are Hard to Do

Let's say you've gone through the process of finding a nanny, hired someone for a short period of time, and then the unthinkable happened. Maybe you or your partner lost your job and suddenly you can't afford to pay the nanny. Maybe the nanny was caught behaving inappropriately or worse, mistreating the kids. For whatever reason, you had to let her go.

These are two completely different lay-off procedures. In the first scenario, there's nothing inherently wrong with the nanny's services; you just can't afford to keep her for the time being. In the second scenario, you may have some criminal issues (worse case scenario) or you're simply not happy with her services. The following are ideas on how to handle each situation:

1) Can't afford to keep the nanny? Make sure to have a frank discussion with the nanny about how lucky you were to have discovered her through the nanny finder agency. Talk about the fact that as much as you need a nanny, you just can't do it right now. Be honest with her. Tell her what's happened. Then make sure to offer her any assistance she might need in finding a nanny job. Unless you have reason not to, offer her a glowing recommendation letter and even some names and numbers of people you know are looking for a nanny. Hopefully, in the contract signed between you and your nanny, you gave yourself an exit clause for situations like this.

2) If you're actually firing your nanny, it's important to be honest. Talk to her about what went wrong and let her know that you won't be available for a good reference.

It's never easy to let someone go from their job, but it is sometimes necessary. Do it with tact, honesty, and respect for the individual.

Do I need a nanny?

Nanny Needed - STAT

Sometimes you don't realize you need or want a nanny until an opportunity comes up. For example, you could be at the supermarket after a busy day. You know you've got to bring your daughter to ballet lessons and if you don't get her there soon, she's going to be late. Once you get her to ballet, you'll have to rush home to get supper started and then there's that enormous pile of laundry waiting for you.

You hardly even see what you're throwing into the cart. When you get home, you discover your accidently tossed a pregnancy kit into your cart (it was suppose to be a tooth whitening kit) and instead of a shampoo bottle, you grabbed a liquid laxative. Good grief! Nanny needed - STAT! If only you had taken the time to read the “Nanny For Hire” poster by the store's exit. A nanny would have had the laundry washed, dried, and folded. She could have brought your daughter to ballet lessons and had supper started so that when you got home, all you would have had to do would be to finish cooking the meal. Without that angst-ridden push to get home so fast, you might have slowed down enough to actually buy the right groceries.

Maybe it's time to do a nanny search and check out the Nanny for Hire classified.

Where's the best place to find a qualified, professional nanny?

Where to Find a Nanny

You'll know when it's time to hire a nanny. When you've gone through two or three babysitters who can't be relied on to work when you need them, or when you've exhausted your mother or mother-in-law with babysitting work, it's time to find a better solution. There are a few different ways of finding a nanny including the following:

  • Classifieds. Check the local newspaper for qualified nannies looking for work.
  • Seek input from friends and neighbors. If they have a nanny, they can probably give you the name and phone number of the agency where they discovered their nanny, or other tips on finding a nanny that you hadn't thought of.
  • Nanny placement agencies. Oftentimes you can register as a member online which enables you to search their database of appropriate nannies.
  • Place an ad for a summer nanny on a college, university, or high school bulletin board.

Finding a nanny isn't hard, the trick is finding an appropriate, qualified, professional nanny. That's not to say a student isn't going to be a dedicated nanny for you, but the person you hire is going to be watching over your kids, so you want to make sure they know what they're doing and can handle any emergencies that might come up.

How do I find a nanny for preschoolers?

Find a Nanny for Preschoolers

In order to find a nanny for a preschooler, many parents rely on recommendations from family, friends, or even their child's pediatrician. While this may be a great way to find the perfect nanny for your child, you can also enlist the help of a nanny agency, either locally or on-line. You can do an actual nanny search on the computer by filling in the criteria that is asked for, including expectations, salary, and qualifications. Once you've found a potential nanny, it will be time to interview her. If you need a nanny for your preschooler, you'll want to include the following questions:

  1. How much television do you think a child should watch each day?
  2. What is your philosophy on discipline?
  3. Do you believe in time-outs?
  4. How do you feel about watching other children during playdates?
  5. What type of medical training have you had?
  6. How strictly do you follow a schedule?
  7. Why did you quit your last job?
  8. What are your favorite hobbies?
  9. How do you entertain preschool aged children?

How can I find a nanny to take care of my infant?

Finding a Nanny for an Infant

Finding a nanny for an infant may be more difficult than finding a nanny for an older child. While children in general require a lot of time and energy, infants are particularly demanding in their helplessness and total dependence on someone to care for them. Parents can use a nanny agency, advertise in the classifieds, or ask for recommendations from friends and family, but they will still need to compile a list of important questions to help them find a nanny for their baby. Interview questions should include the following:

  1. How long have you been employed with this nanny agency?
  2. What was your last job?
  3. What medical training have you had?
  4. How much experience have you had with infants?
  5. How well do you handle a crisis?
  6. How do you respond to a crying baby?
  7. How do you feel if a baby cries for long periods of time?
  8. What do you think is your main responsibility toward an infant?
  9. Do you think that you can spoil an infant? If so, how?
  10. Are you an organized person? Give me some examples?

How do I conduct a live-in nanny search?

Live-In Nanny Search

Conducting a live-in nanny search can be stressful. A live-in nanny will, in essence, become a part of your family. Obviously, there will be a period of adjustment for both your family and your nanny. When you are conducting a live-in nanny search, you should consider the following tips:

  1. Do you have room in your home for a live-in nanny? If not, are you willing to make the necessary accommodations?
  2. Your family and your new nanny should spend some time getting to know each other before she moves in.
  3. Be sure you and your nanny understand and agree with all the logistics of your arrangement. Before you begin a nanny search, it's a good idea to write out your expectations.
  4. Get professional help from a lawyer or legal aid to help you design a nanny contract. This will protect both you and your nanny.
  5. Be sure your contract stipulates important items, such as overtime, vacation pay, extra duties, etc.
  6. Does your nanny provide up-to-date and accurate references. When you are searching for a nanny, it is imperative that you check references before you hire!
  7. What type of training or experience does your nanny have?

What should I consider when hiring a NY nanny?

NY Nanny

If you are searching for a NY nanny, there are several points you should keep in mind.

  1. If you use a nanny agency, it should be licensed with the New York City Department of Consumer Affairs.
  2. If you use a nanny agency, a NY nanny should have been given and passed a background check
  3. Look for a NY nanny who is a member of a professional nanny organization, such as the International Nanny Association.
  4. Consider hiring a NY nanny who lives within twenty-five miles of your home.

How do I conduct a nanny search?

How Do I Conduct a Nanny Search?

Conducting a nanny search isn't as difficult as you might think. Of course, you can always search for nannies in the classified section of the newspaper, or you can ask friends and family members for help. However, one of the easiest ways to do a nanny search is through an on-line nanny search agency. Nanny search criteria usually includes the following data:

  1. List of nannies looking for employment per state.
  2. List of live-in nannies or live-out nannies.
  3. List of nannies who live within a certain radius of your home. If you live close to the state line, this filter may include a different state as well.
  4. List of nannies with a work authorization for your particular area.

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