Nanny Jobs Tips

Read these 45 Nanny Jobs Tips tips to make your life smarter, better, faster and wiser. Each tip is approved by our Editors and created by expert writers so great we call them Gurus. LifeTips is the place to go when you need to know about Nanny tips and hundreds of other topics.

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How do I let people know I'm looking for a nanny position?

Where To Hang Your Nanny Shingle

So you're ready to start your career as a nanny, and now you need to get the word out. There are a few different ways of making it known to the world that you're looking for a nanny job including newspaper ads or posting your own notification on public bulletin boards. The problem is, newspaper classifieds can get expensive and public bulletin boards really put you out there. You're not only telling people who have nanny job openings that you're looking for work, your also broadcasting your contact information to the general public.

To get the best and quickest results when looking for a full time nanny job (or even part-time employment) is to target your talents to the right market. How? Try an online nanny hiring agency where your skills and experience get showcased to families looking for someone just like you. Once you're registered with an online hiring agency, you'll quickly realize how many families actually have nanny positions available. Keep in mind that there's a different between posting your resume to any old website or posting it to a legitimate nanny search website. Think about it this way, the amount of energy and detail the site puts into screening your resume should tell you a lot about how they screen the families on the other end. A quality site should ultimately lead to a quality job.

Why can't I find a nanny job?

Walking the Walk to a Nanny Job

At one time in your life, you could have written a book on how to become a nanny. But that was a long time ago, when you were young, idealistic, and a non-smoker. You were eleven years old, actually. Your whole life, right up until university, revolved around your desire to work in a full-time nanny job. While the boys next door dreamed of becoming astronauts and oral surgeons, you focused your energies on looking after dolls. It was all one big stage rehearsal for the real thing: finding a nanny job.

Now, in your twenties, things have changed. You're not the same person you were at ten or eleven years old. Sure, you've been desperately trying to land that first nanny job, but things just aren't going right and you don't know why. You've got the education to prove you'd make a good nanny, so why aren't you being asked to any nanny interviews?

A piece of paper proving your education is just one part of the nanny job equation. Appearance matters, whether you like it or not. It could be a sign that you've fallen off the nanny employment train if:

  • you like to wear a big fat clock around your neck like Flavor Flav
  • your blond hair and blue eyes don't stop you from addressing people with “'Sup DAWG??”
  • you don't just have one tattoo, you have a whole sleeve
  • you tape episodes of South Park for the kids to watch on rainy days

It's great that you finally got that diploma saying you're ready to work with children; but what is your image saying? If you really want to find a nanny job, you've got to walk the walk and talk the talk.

What kinds of questions should I avoid during nanny interviews?

Scary Nanny Interviews

If you're particularly creative or paranoid, you might easily come up with all kinds of “what if” situations to ask at nanny interviews that will never happen in a million years. You really don't need to borrow the lie-detector machine from the local police station. Likewise, you don't need to go over-the-top with your nanny interviews. Keep it real. If you're spending the whole interview asking the potential nanny what she would do if…

  • a swarm of killer bees suddenly entered the home
  • a lion escaped onto your lawn from a highly improbable circus parade
  • or what she'd do if she spotted someone from America's Most Wanted while bringing the kids to the dentist…

she's probably going to chalk you up as being insane. Nanny interviews should bring out the person's strengths and qualifications. Remember, you want someone reliable and qualified to fill your nanny job, not scare people. Avoid this type of conversation during nanny interviews:

“Do you have any medical condition, like seizures, that could impact on the safety of the children?”


“So you don't have seizures?”


“Okay, but what if you had a seizure. How would that impact on the safety of my children.”

“I don't have seizures.”

“That's great, glad to hear you're in good health. But let's just say you suddenly convulsed all over the place. What then?”


Nanny interviews should never cause the nanny to get red in the face or angry. If you're really not sure what questions to ask or how to conduct a nanny interview, do a little research beforehand.

Is it okay to be picky about where I work as a nanny?

Knowing What You Want From Your Nanny Career

Why do you want to be a nanny? Is it because you really enjoy being the driving force behind a busy family? Maybe you have romanticized notions about becoming the beloved nanny of an adoring family. There are lots of reasons for wanting to work as a nanny, and it's important that you know your reasons. Ultimately the health and welfare of the kids in your care have to be your top concern, but everything else can be negotiated. For example, if your goal is to work with kids with disabilities, make sure your resume reflects your education and experience in this area, then target your profile with specific statements about your preference in nanny positions.

There are other ways to tailor your nanny job search preferences including information on where you'd like to work. If your plan is to work in a big city, to only work with infants, or to only work with families without household pets, make sure to work that into your profile or resume. You really don't have to take the first job that comes along, but it's important to realize that the more you narrow your nanny job search, the fewer contacts you'll make. Then again, this is the kind of job where you need to feel fulfilled in order to give it your all. Knowing exactly what you need to feel fulfilled in your role as a nanny may just be the thing that keeps you in that position for a long time to come. If you're not happy, you'll just find yourself pounding the virtual pavement again trying to find a nanny job.


Writing a Nanny Job Description

Nannies4Hire Tip: Before you begin the nanny employment process, be sure and write a detailed nanny job description list of duties, expectations, benefits, work schedule, and salary.

How can I find a nanny job through an online placement agency?

Nanny Placement Agencies

If you really want to find a nanny job, don't waste your time running all over town posting your “Nanny for Hire” banners all over the place. Instead, go to a reputable online nanny placement agency and check it out. Read the placement agency's privacy policy before posting your profile. Basically, any reputable nanny placement agency is going to be a safe place to find a nanny job.

The way it works is that it's usually free for the person looking for nanny jobs to post a profile. The family recruiting nannies has to pay a fee in order to find out any information about you, other than the basics. In other words, if a family wants to contact you, they have to pay the membership fee first. That process helps to ensure that there's a commitment from the family. Not just anybody can contact you randomly once you've posted your profile to a nanny placement agency.

What usually happens at that point is that the family submits a request to contact you directly through the nanny placement agency. The placement agency then contacts you, the nanny, to make arrangements. Once you've accepted the offer to communicate, the ball is in your court. You're under absolutely no obligation to meet the family in person. Initial contact is always done through email and then it's up to you if you want to take it to the next step.

Finding a nanny job by posting your profile to a reputable online nanny placement agency is safe and easy.

Is it normal for a family to "try out" a nanny for a week before hiring?

Trial Period Nanny Job

If this is your first time looking for a full time nanny job, don't be surprised if the family wants to hire you for a trial period before making any employment commitment. Don't take it personally; it's really not that unusual. Families looking for a nanny need to be one hundred percent certain that they've made the right choice. It's a good idea to use that trial period to really make a good impression. Many office jobs hire staff for term periods or probationary periods, and this really isn't much different. However, it's a good idea to keep your profile open (if you're using an online nanny employment database) until you've signed a nanny work agreement. Until then, you shouldn't assume the family is going to hire you.

Before you agree to a short-term work trial, make sure the family plans to compensate you for your time. Until they're certain they want to hire you, the family might want to pay you a little less, with the agreement that you'll receive a full wage once their decision to hire has been made. Remember, you have rights and while it's a good idea to remain flexible, you have bills to pay too! You also have rights and if you do a week's worth of work, you should be compensated for it.


On-line Nanny Employment Agencies

Nannies4hire Tip: Online nanny employment agencies offer some great advantages when conducting a nanny search. Families need to consider, however, that not all of the many applicants may be serious about accepting a nanny position.


Interviewing for Nanny Positions

Nannies4hire Tip: Nanny positions should be filled after a thorough interview has been conducted at least once and preferably twice. Face to face personal interviews seem to yield more success than telephone interviews.

What paperwork should I do in order to work as a nanny in another country?

Out Of Country Nanny Positions

Have you considered accepting a full time nanny job outside of the country? Whether you live just a few miles from the border and plan to commute back and forth, or live hundreds of miles away from the prospective employer and need to work as a live-in nanny, there are things you need to know.

The first thing you should do is a Google search for the federal website of the country in which you want to work. There, you'll find information for out-of-country nanny positions including specific details on the country's requirements for non-resident employees. Finding a nanny job will be easier if you broaden your horizons, just be sure to do your research carefully about the city or town where you'll be moving, what rights and responsibilities you'll have as a temporary citizen of that area, any immunization requirements, etc. Of course, once you find a nanny job out of country, you'll need to apply for a work visa.

At first it might seem like a lot of work, but a family interested in hiring you as their nanny, should be able to provide guidance and assistance. If you can't afford the travel expenses involved in moving to your new place of employment, the hiring family might be able to help. For example, they might send you enough advanced pay to cover your moving expenses and then deduct a certain amount of money from your pay check over a period of time to pay them back.

So, if you find a family you're interested in working with, don't let their geographical location stop you from applying. There are lots of resources available to help you get where you need to go.


Finding a MA Nanny

Nannies4Hire Tip: Massachusetts is one of the most popular states for nannies. Nanny agencies, classified ads, Internet message boards, and word of mouth are all excellent ways to search for a qualified MA nanny.


Hiring a Florida Nanny

Nannies4hire Tip: Many Florida nanny agencies offer families the option of hiring a live in or live out nanny. A Florida nanny may work as a live in or live out nanny. Florida nannies may work only on a temporary basis as an after school nanny, summer care nanny, or newborn baby nanny.


Nanny Jobs

Nannies4hire Tip: The duties of nanny jobs can run the gamut from child care and child entertainment to light housekeeping and chauffeur services. The job description of a nanny should be spelled out in detail, however, before a nanny is hired.

Do cruises have nannies?

Nanny Jobs on Cruises

Nanny employment has picked up since many cruise lines have jumped on board by opening up nanny positions previously held by counselors. One cruise offers year round nanny jobs by offering services in the nursery for children up to age 2 and in the play center for those 2 through 12. Both are staffed by trained British nannies.

What type of background checks should be conducted concerning nanny jobs?

Nanny Jobs and Background Checks

Unless you are well-acquainted with the person whom you've chosen to fill the nanny job, it is important that you do a background check. For many employing families, a background check is done regardless of how well they know the nanny. Background checks are typically not conducted until a nanny job has been offered and excepted. Once this has occurred, you or your nanny agency can then run a background check, making sure that the nanny job will not begin until the background check is complete and clear. Background checks typically include the following:

  1. Social Security Number Trace-This will give information on the potential employee's addresses over the last seven to ten years.
  2. Statewide Criminal Checks-While only the FBI has a national criminal database which isn't open to the public, a state wide felony convictions search can be conducted.
  3. County Criminal Search-In many cases this is done by accessing courthouse records.
  4. Department of Motor Vehicles Search-A DMV search is an essential part of a background check even of the nanny's job will not involve driving the children to and from other places.
  5. Sex Offender Registries-Most states typically maintain their own databases, but you can also do a nationwide search on-line.
  6. Credit Reports-Use a reputable credit report agency to handle this.

What is the definition of a nanny job?

Nanny Jobs

The definition of a nanny job will differ from one family to another. Some nanny jobs may only involve the care of children, while other nanny jobs may also include some household duties. Most nanny jobs cover basically anything regarding the children, including the following:

  1. Discipline-Of course any discipline should fall under the parents' specific guidelines.
  2. Cleaning-In many cases, cleaning may only include chores specifically associated with the children, such as cleaning their rooms, bathrooms, play areas, and dishes.
  3. Entertainment-Again, parents should already have made their preferences known regarding entertainment and activities, including how much TV is allowed.
  4. Daily lessons-A nanny's job description should also include the daily lessons that surround child care, such as manners, behavior, and even reading or math practice lessons.
  5. Chauffeuring-A nanny's job description may also include running children from one activity to another.
  6. Feeding-Cooking and feeding the children may also be included as part of a nanny's job.

How can you "keep" a nanny?

Long Staying Nannies

The longer the hiring process takes to fill a nanny job, the longer the nanny is likely to stay. When filling nanny positions, you most likely get a lasting match if you give yourself at least nine weeks to interview and make your decision. Also, the higher the pay, the longer the nanny is likely to stay. Nannies who work either part time or more than 50 hours don't stay as long as 40 hour week nannies. It is also found that those in live in nanny jobs stay longer. Nannies generally leave if their job duties are not clear or they feel that parents are taking advantage of their time. You can avoid both of these problems by providing a detailed contract and keeping the lines of communication open with your nanny.

Who is a 'typical" nanny?

An Everyday Nanny

The typical nanny is family oriented, 19 to 21 years old, and someone who wants to experience life but in a semi-protected environment. Nannies must like children and have some experience in addition to taking care of her own family. A child care nanny must not smoke but they do need to be a licensed driver. Swimming ability or CPR is often an extra special bonus. They may do light housekeeping but keep in mind that they are there for the children, not as a housekeeper or maid.

How do I figure out what to pay a nanny?

Pay Guide for Nannies

Nannies have been known to have earned more than $60,000 per year. Nanny job perks can include living expenses, a car and holiday bonuses. Usually nanny positions pay between $10 to $18 or more per hour depending on experience and living status. Generally, live-in nannies will make less per hour than live-out nannies, however, the live-in nanny also has room and board included in her contract. Families often get creative with benefits like providing country club privileges, college imbursement, living quarters, cars and health insurance to ensure a nanny stays with the family.

On a web site - do I have to register to search for positions?

Job Search for Nannies

Most of the time doing a nanny search is very basic and will not require you to register in order to search the listing. Nanny services are listed on the web and you can choose to browse many sites. When doing your nanny job search if you came across a specific one that interested you then, you will probably be required to register to get more information on the position.

Is it important to have a contract with your nanny?

Contracts for Nannies

With nanny jobs, creating a contract is an important step towards building a successful nanny/family relationship. Nanny positions without a comprehensive contract in place give unclear boundaries, unspoken expectations and bad assumptions the chance to occur. There is always the possibility in a nanny job of small issues turning into big problems and a contract could avoid these stumbling blocks and help build a strong, lasting foundation for a successful relationship.

Is knowing personal tastes of nannies important?

Nannies Personal Preference

When filling nanny positions, discussions of objectives and performances along with job descriptions shouldn't be the end all. In addition to usual questions about the nanny employment history, inquire about discipline philosophies. Ask nanny job applicants about their likes, their tastes in music, television shows -- anything to give insight into the person who may be sharing your home and raising your children. This also helps establish a close relationship with a nanny. Remember that your nanny is a person with a full life, and taking care of children is only a portion of her life. However, it is best to not delve too deeply into private matters with your nanny. Your primary concern should be regarding their childcare philosophy and their experience.

What does it mean when they do a back ground check?

Background Checks on Nannies

Knowing that your background will be scrutinized during any nanny job search, you should fully disclose any potential problems they might appear on a typical nanny information verification request. Both personal and employment references that were given on the application will be subject to investigation. Nanny agencies often do some of this screening before even interviewing you in person. If you have a significantly troubled past, you may want to consider another line of work.

How are nanny positions terminated?

Terminating Nanny Positions

Terminating nanny positions typically is an unpleasant task. There may be several compelling reasons for terminating a nanny, such as poor work performance, abuse, abandonment, or simply a conflict of interest or personalities. Once you've decided to terminate your nanny's position, however, you need to consider the following points:

  1. Notice of Termination-Your nanny contract may have stated how a notice of termination should be handled. If not, you'll need to address this. Obviously, if you feel that your children are in danger or at risk, you should terminate the relationship immediately. If the problem isn't as serious, however, a two-week notice is the general rule.
  2. Nanny Agency Placement-In many instances when a nanny agency is used, the agency will immediately begin searching for a replacement for the nanny position in your home. They may also seek to find a new placement for the terminated nanny depending upon the circumstances surrounding her termination.
  3. Suspicion of Illegal Activity-If you suspect that your nanny has committed an illegal offense, such as abusing a child, doing drugs, or drinking and driving, you'll need to contact your local authorities for help with this issue.
  4. References-Do not agree to give a reference unless you can do so in good conscience. You don't want to send a problem employee on to someone else with a false reference. However, if the problem is simply one of poor communication or personality conflict, then by all means tell your nanny that you will help her find a new nanny position by writing her a letter of reference.

How do nanny agencies match employers with nannies looking for nanny jobs?

Nanny Job Matches

Most nanny agencies do preliminary screenings before beginning the process of filling nanny jobs. Matching a nanny with a family is usually based on several criteria. Once some or all of these criteria have been met, nanny jobs are easier to fill, and matches are much less difficult to create. Criteria for filling nanny jobs may include the following:

  1. Position-Is the family looking for a live in or live out nanny? What type of nanny job is the applicant searching for?
  2. Job Location-Is the nanny willing to relocate to take a live in nanny position with a family? If not, a list of available applicants in the nearby area will be used.
  3. Job Start Date-In some cases, a family may need a nanny to start a job as soon as possible. This may narrow the applicant field somewhat.
  4. Salary Range-Families and nannies typically have set salary requirements, and this is another factor that can be used to create a successful match.
  5. Job Duties-In some cases, nannies prefer to care for only one or two children, or they may refuse any extra household duties. Both the nanny and the family should be clear about their requirements and expectations.
  6. Age Range of Child/Children-Some nannies prefer to work with only very young children, while others would rather care for school aged children.

What are some accomodations that must be made for live in nanny employment?

Live In Nanny Employment Accommodations

There are several accommodations that must be made for live in nanny employment. These include, but aren't limited to, the following:

  1. Sleeping quarters-A live in nanny's employment must include a separate and private sleep area, which is preferably a room and bathroom, as well.
  2. Transportation-If the nanny prefers to use her own car, the employing family must reimburse her for gas and wear and tear on her car when it is used for employment purposes. Otherwise, a family needs to ensure that the nanny will have access to a vehicle.
  3. Adequate space for personal items-The nanny needs to be able to create a space that she can call her own, with plenty of storage and other amenities, such as a TV, VCR, DVD, etc.
  4. Private phone line-While not essential, this is another great accommodation for a nanny.

What should my nanny's work schedule be?

Nanny Position Work Schedule

When you employ someone in a nanny position, you'll need to be very clear about the nanny's work schedule. Not only will this help you plan your days and schedule your children's activities, but it will also give your nanny a definite idea of what her position will entail. Your nanny's position will probably require her to work anywhere from a few hours a day to over forty hours per week, depending upon her duties. Full-time nannies are usually given two days off per week, and these off days may or may not fall consecutively. A schedule will typically follow the needs of the parents. In some cases, the schedule may even follow the parent's work schedule. For example, a person who travels throughout the week may need the nanny to work Monday through Friday, but an airline pilot may need the nanny to cover seven to ten days in a row before taking several off days.

How do I become a nanny?

How To Become a Nanny

For those people interested in how to become a nanny, there are several avenues which you can take. A nanny's position can be as a live in or a live out nanny. Consider the following points as you begin looking for a nanny job.

  1. Nanny Training Schools-There are nanny training schools which you can attend. You will receive some type of certification which is highly valued by many families.
  2. Continuing Education Courses-Even if you don't have a college degree, you can learn how to become a nanny by taking continuing education courses at a local college or university. Choose courses which focus on early childhood and home economics, as well as emergency medical care.
  3. Start Out As a Babysitter-Families searching for live in nannies will want an experienced nanny in their home. To gain as much experience as possible, start out as a babysitter and work your way into a more permanent position.
  4. Live Out-Before you can become a live in nanny, you may need to gain more experience as a live out nanny. Live out nannies will have much of the same responsibility, but they probably won't have as much time with the children and the family.
  5. Gather References-After you have gained some experience, it's time to put those references to good use. Ask for letters of recommendation from families you've worked for.
  6. Offer To Work for a Trial Period-Know a family that you'd really like to work for? Ask them to let you try out the nanny position for a couple of weeks. If either party is unsatisfied, there are no contracts to break.

Where can I find a Florida nanny?

Hiring a Florida Nanny

While some families prefer to search for a Florida nanny by advertising in or searching through the classified ad sections of their local newspaper, others turn to the services of Florida nanny agencies. These agencies may offer families the following options in regards to hiring a Florida nanny:

  1. New baby care-This option allows a family to hire a Florida nanny to help with the care of a newborn for a set period of time, allowing the mom and dad to get a little rest during those first few weeks.
  2. Share a nanny-In some cases, a Florida nanny may actually work for a couple of families, splitting her time, schedule, and duties in a flexible manner that suits all parties involved.
  3. After school nanny-For some Florida families, a nanny is only needed to help on an after school basis.
  4. Summer nanny-Many families turn to a Florida nanny for summertime care of their children.

Should a nanny interview the family as well?

Nannies Interviewing the Family

Nanny positions could be come in the form of Mary Poppins or the all American girl-next-door. In a nanny job, you need to know who has what authority while on the job. This includes grandparents, other relatives - family friends. In any of your nanny jobs you should know in detail exactly what they expect from a nanny. Suggest a written contract that will spell everything out. And in this day and age, consider liability insurance.

What considerations should I use when hiring a nanny?

Nanny Employment Considerations

As you work your way through the nanny employment process, there are several considerations that you should keep in mind, including the following:

  1. Picture the perfect nanny-What personality traits do you look for? What characteristics do you value? How much experience and/or education should she have? What duties will she be in charge of?
  2. Nanny employment searches-How are you going to search for your nanny? Will you use a nanny agency, the classified section of your local newspaper, or simply by word of mouth?
  3. Contacting a potential nanny-How do you want to handle contacting your nanny about nanny employment? Would you prefer over the phone or on-line? Do you plan on setting up a meeting face to face, or do you want to handle the first interview over the phone?
  4. Reference and Background Checks-How will you handle these two items? You'll need to check at least two references that are work related, and you can order a criminal background check to be done professionally.
  5. Agreements-Once you've decided on a nanny, it's time to seal the deal with an agreement that protects yours and your nanny's interests.

What type of interviewing should be done for nanny positions?

Interviewing for Nanny Positions

Interviewing for nanny positions can be stressful for both the employing families and the potential nannies. Before interviewing someone for a nanny position, the employer should create a list of interview questions, which will cover topics such as experience, education, child care philosophy, medical training, available hours, salary requirements, benefit needs, and any other applicable questions. While some interviews for nanny positions are conducted over the phone, there is a larger success rate associated with personal interviews which are handled face to face. Before an interview takes place, however, both the nanny and the family should each have viewed each other's profile and employment requirements, including biographical information. In most cases, it is a good idea to schedule a second interview before hiring someone for a nanny position.

Which is better - you searching or an agency?

Client Search vs. Agency Search

Filling nanny positions feels like a crisis to some people. Through studies of various nanny jobs, staying power of nannies hired through agencies appears to be no better than that of nannies hired by families themselves. Another survey shows that in filling a nanny job some parents fared well by going through an agency while others did classified ads or even word of mouth. The bottom line here is that a family should just go with their preference when choosing how to hire a nanny.

How do I write a nanny job description?

Writing a Nanny Job Description

Before you can begin interviewing and screening potential nannies for a nanny job, you should sit down and write out a detailed nanny job description. This description should address all of the issues surrounding your nanny's employment. The following suggestions will help you get started.

  1. Expectations-Make a list of all the expectations surrounding a nanny's job. These will include duties regarding the children and any additional household chores you would like to include in the nanny employment agreement.
  2. Pet peeves-Although they may seem trivial, pet peeves can damage the relationship between employer and nanny, so it's always a good idea to lay everything out beforehand.
  3. Work schedule-You should be prepared to give a detailed work schedule, including work hours per day and off days.
  4. Vacation leave and paid holidays-Include the amount of time and specific holidays that will be covered under this nanny employment topic.
  5. Benefits-Insurance, vehicle usage, and other issues may need to be addressed.
  6. Termination or resignation notice-How should these issues be handled.

How can I hire a MA nanny?

Finding a MA Nanny

Families searching for MA nannies can find them in a variety of ways. Many families choose to advertise in their local paper, while others prefer to search over the Internet. There are also several MA nanny agencies that are available to help families in their search for the perfect nanny. Finding someone to take a nanny job in your home doesn't have to be difficult. Most MA nanny agencies offer the following services for those looking for a nanny job and for families searching to hire nannies.

  1. Up-to-date list of nannies available for nanny jobs.
  2. Profiles and biographical information on MA nannies.
  3. Comprehensive background checks.
  4. Twenty-four hour a day access to an Internet database.
  5. Salary information for potential MA nannies.
  6. Sample nanny contracts.

What should I know about on-line nanny employment agencies?

On-line Nanny Employment Agencies

Families who use on-line nanny employment agencies need to be aware of certain practices and policies that many of these employment agencies use, including but not limited to the following:

  1. Candidates may not have been through a thorough screening process before they are allowed to register with the service.
  2. On-line application forms should be extensive and address the many issues surrounding nanny employment.
  3. Families typically do all of the screening of a prospective nanny, including ordering and paying for background checks.
  4. Families typically make the nanny job offer as well.
  5. Nanny employment fees associated with on-line nanny agencies may not guarantee a successful nanny placement.
  6. Families should be able to access detailed profiles of nanny candidates before paying for and completing the nanny employment process.

Do hotels have nanny positions available?

Hotel Nanny Jobs

An increasing amount of hotel/lodges have nanny jobs available. A New York hotel chain has "Nanny Nooks" in about 40 units. Nanny positions were formed so kids would be entertained during their stay, allowing parents to have a night free. In San Francisco, nanny employment is in demand at a group of hotels that offer a kids room with bunk beds and kid sized table/chairs. The nanny sleeps on a pull out bed in the adjoining room so parents can stay out late. Hotels in major cities are following suit.

If I opt to take a live out nanny job, can I change my mind later?

Opting for a Live Out Nanny Job

If you want to find a nanny job, but aren't really interested in living with the family, you should add to your profile preferences that you're only looking for a live out nanny job. Being a live in nanny definitely isn't for everybody. Some people are just more comfortable in their own living spaces. When you work a live out nanny job, you don't have to worry about having your privacy invaded, being asked to work overtime more often than you should, and feeling as if you're never really “home”.

If you're interested in taking a nanny job that happens to be a fair distance from your home, you could consider relocating to be closer to the nanny job. That way, you're not obligated to move in with the family, and you can still be close to the job.

Once you become more familiar with the family and comfortable in their surroundings, the opportunity might come up to discuss a change in living arrangements. The family might ask you to reconsider your live out nanny job status. Just remember, only you know what you're comfortable with. If you do decide to give it a try, ask to sit down with the family and renegotiate the contract to match the new nanny job requirements

How can I help my friend find a nanny job?

Helping a Friend Find a Nanny Job

So your best friend is looking for a nanny job and she tells you there are none to be found. Do you call her:

a) A liar

b) A liar; or

c) A liar

It's possible you're being too harsh. Nanny employment can be found, it just takes a little skill and know-how to find that first job. Maybe instead of calling your friend a liar, you should help her out a little bit. Let her know there are career resource agencies in every city and town to help people find nanny jobs. You can't just handwrite a note on a napkin and stick it on a bulletin board down at the Laundromat. You have to jazz up your nanny resume and let the world know that you're trying to find a nanny job by submitting your resume and profile to online nanny placement agencies.

If your friend gives you some resistance when you try to help her find a nanny job, keep in mind that some people are afraid to succeed. What if she actually gets a nanny job? She's actually going to have to work! Talk to your friend about her strengths, previous experience, and education. Build her up, don't knock her down by calling her a liar! Maybe all she needs to land that first nanny job is a little help and encouragement from a good friend. Tap, tap. That's you.

What's the best way to find a job as a nanny?

Finding A Nanny Job Online

Finding a nanny job isn't what it used to be. Put the stapler and loose leaf down! You don't have to advertise your services on a telephone pole anymore. In fact, you don't even have to go through the hassle of advertising through newspaper classifieds anymore.

Using online nanny finding services provide a great resource for families and nannies looking to connect. You upload a nice picture of yourself, complete a short questionnaire that answers things like your age, previous work experience, education, and your reasons for wanting to work as a nanny, then sit back and wait for a nice family to contact you. Once the family has made initial contact with you (usually via email), it's up to you whether you respond, when you respond, or how you respond. However, you don't want to give yourself a bad name by being rude or by simply ignoring anyone who contacts you. Always remain professional when vying for nanny positions, but don't feel obligated to follow through with an interview or answer questions your not comfortable with.

Your nanny job search should actually be an enjoyable experience. However, if you do decide to go “old school” by taking out classified ads, be wary of giving out too much information and be careful about who you meet and where. Your best option is to use an online nanny job search site like At least with a site like theirs, you can fine tune your family search, receive email updates on new families who register with the site, and for a very small fee you can have your profile highlighted up front and center for full visibility. You've got nothing to lose!

Is it okay to bring my own child to work with me?

Bringing Your Child To Your Nanny Job

After you find a nanny job, it doesn't make sense to hire a babysitter for your own children while you're out tending someone else's. Naturally, you're going to want to take them with you. This shouldn't pose any problems, but you want to make sure the family (your employer) knows about your plans to bring your child (or children) to work with you ahead of time. There are a few things to consider before introducing your child into a new atmosphere:

1) What's off limits in the new house? If the family has a room they keep sealed off from the kids for entertaining guests or business colleagues, chances are that it's off limits for the kids as well…including your own.

2) If you're bringing an infant or toddler into a home with older pre-schoolers or school-aged children, you may have to safety-proof the house with plugs for electrical outlets, gates that block access to stairwells, etc.

3) If you're bringing an older child into a home with very young children, you may have to talk to your child about what to expect to avoid confusion. For example, your child might not completely understand that even though you're still with them on a daily basis, you're also technically “at work” in your full time nanny job.

There's no need to worry or over-think the situation. Gradually, any issues of concern will become obvious to you. The main thing is to think about any safety issues that might arise. Things like jealousy issues, behavioural issues, etc., will need to be settled sooner rather than later, however.

Should I indicate in my nanny job search that I'm willing to care for the elderly as well?

Caring For The Elderly On Your Own Terms

When you first entertained the thought of visiting the online nanny job listings, you probably didn't have the elderly in mind. However, it's really something to think about because it could just open a few more doors for you.

Imagine the relief a family will feel knowing they have a competent, professional nanny who's able to manage the household, the kids, and keep an eye on the aging patriarch or matriarch of the house. If these are the kinds of nanny job opportunities you're going to seek out, keep in mind that there should be extra compensation when expected to care for the elderly. Caring for the elderly presents a whole new set of responsibilities, so make sure those job duties are detailed in the contract before you sign on the dotted line.

There are some things, like administering certain medications and monitoring blood pressure that a licensed practitioner should do. A nanny, however, could be reasonably expected to do things like drive the elderly to appointments, make sure they're eating appropriate and nutritious foods (keeping in mind they may have certain dietary restrictions) and providing companionship by keeping them busy either mentally or physically, depending on their physical/mental limitations.

Caring for the elderly isn't for everyone, so before you indicate that you're willing to do it, think about it carefully. Remember, even if you do indicate that you're willing to look after an elderly person in the home, you can still stipulate what you're willing or not willing to do. Giving 90-year-old gramps a sponge bath probably wasn't what you had in mind when browsing nanny job opportunities! However, having a game of cards and making sure he drinks his daily Ensure supplement doesn't seem so bad. You decide, the cards are on your table.

What kinds of things will impress families looking for a nanny?

Find A Nanny Job By Making A Great Impression

Families looking for a nanny have a certain amount of anxiety when they're searching for someone to look after their offspring. While parents read through the hundreds of nanny profiles online, they've got every possible red flag ready to wave at the slightest doubt. So how do you break down the barriers enough to invite some communication between you and the family?

Well, before you even start looking for a nanny job, you need to be prepared. Someone genuinely interested in a career as a nanny will have a profile that proves it. Being a member in good standing of various non-profit organizations like the Big Brothers Big Sisters program, being a tutor, studying or planning to study a related field, enthusiasm, and long term goals are all things that appeal to families looking for a nanny.

Remember, the family hasn't seen you yet. They don't know who you are, so you have to communicate in words what you want to convey in person. The best way to shorten your search for nanny positions is to write a clear, articulate, and intelligent profile. Mention any and all volunteer efforts (even if you don't think they directly relate to child care), education, and previous work experience. Try to make a note of your future goals as well. Maybe your ultimate goal is to work in child psychology, or maybe you want to continue your education through life-long learning opportunities while continuing to work in a full time nanny job. Whatever it is you want to say, say it well!

What kind of job can I get as a student to help pay my living expenses and tuition?

From Full Time Student To Part Time Nanny

Nobody needs money more than a student. Sure you could deliver pizza all hours of the night for minimum wage and meager tips, or you could try a nanny babysitter job. Think about it…you like kids, right? You're energetic, responsible, and understand the importance of good quality childcare, right? So why not start a nanny job search?

Finding a nanny job can you take in a few different directions, but you should start out by asking friends and family if they know anyone with nanny job openings. Starting out by working for someone you know (even a little bit) might be less intimidating for you. If you're in college, the faculty might be in need of a part-time nanny, so don't hesitate to ask them. It doesn't hurt to register your profile with an online nanny job search agency, like, either. It's quick, easy, and free. Plus, the only people who have access to your contact information (and only the information you consent to) are families who have paid for a membership and are serious about finding the perfect nanny.

Part-time nanny positions may be more informal than full time nanny jobs. Of course, keeping the kids safe and well cared for is top priority whether you're working full or part-time, but there might be other differences. For example, a student working a short-time or seasonal position might not be asked to sign a contract. If that happens, ask the family if they'll consider writing one. It's a good idea to have in writing your hourly wage, expected work hours, and detailed responsibilities (at minimum). Finding a nanny job might just be the perfect thing to pad your pockets and help pay next semester's tuition.

How can I make myself indispensable as a nanny?

The Indispensable Nanny

Once you find a nanny job it's important to think about job security. Sure you'll probably sign a nanny work contract, but that's not the same as being unionized. Chances are, your contract will specify your duties, pay, hours of work, any benefits, and compensation for overtime. An open-ended contract doesn't necessarily mean your employment with the family is guaranteed long-term. On the other end of the spectrum, a limited contract with a date to “revisit” the terms of the contract, doesn't mean you should start looking for a nanny job before the first one even starts.

It's important to keep your skills, education, and overall employability current in order to remain competitive. If you do that, you'll greatly reduce the chances of having to start from scratch with another nanny job search. The following are a few tips and tricks to help keep your resume, and your employability, competitive:

1) Check with community colleges to see what relevant continuing education courses they offer. You don't have to return to school as a full-time student to take advantage of an education. Workshops, safety training, evening courses, or courses offered online or through correspondence all count toward your professional development.

2) Hone your organizational skills. Families looking for a nanny depend on her ability to juggle appointments, busy kids, and unexpected moments with ease.

3) Be a clock-watcher and never show up late for work. Think about how far you live from your job, driving conditions (weather, traffic, etc.) and give yourself plenty of time so that when you arrive for work, you're relaxed – not frazzled.

4) Dress the part. Think casual and comfortable, not sloppy and impractical.

5) Think ahead. Chances are, the family jots notes on their calendar about upcoming events like doctor's appointments, birthdays, anniversaries, parties, etc. Ask the parents (before they ask you) if they need someone to watch the kids so that they can go out. You should still be compensated for your time, but speaking up and offering to go that extra mile will really impress your new employer.

Being an indispensable nanny isn't a mysterious concept, it's really all about being a professional in your chosen field.

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